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蓝------和谐,雅致。绿------安全,环保。2006年,在东南亚,中东,东欧,拉丁美洲,非洲等赢得良好的*。2007年-2010年奥运世博会前后,蓝绿,锁定国内市场,主攻珠、长三角市场。主要研发、生产、销售西餐、快餐、酒吧、超市、小吃等电热、燃气及制冷设备,主要产品:冰淇淋展示柜,蛋糕保鲜柜,恒温展示柜,腌制机,汉堡包机,爆谷机,中东烧烤炉,蛋仔炉,QQ蛋仔炉,组合炉,保温汤池,鱼丸炉,陈列保温柜,中心岛,煮面炉,华夫炉, 班戟炉,炸炉,扒炉,多士炉,薯条工作站,鸡蛋汉堡炉,无烟烧烤炉等西厨设备。B&G蓝绿品牌 的产品工艺*、结构新颖、钢材优质、制造精细、质检严格。公司产品配套齐全、价格*竞争优势、质量过硬,适应国内外市场的需求。产品出口远销等地区。1名*RD,3专业工程技术人员。48名训练有素的员工。期待着为您服务…Blue ------ harmony, elegance. Green ------ safety, environmental protection. In 2006, positioning Southeast Asia,Middle East,east Europe,Latin America,Africa the main market,B&G has won a good share of the world market. From 2007 to 2010, during the Olympic Gamesthe World Expo, bluegreen, locks the domestic market,works hard on The Pearl River DeltaThe Yangtze River Delta market.Researching, developing, producingselling the equipment for western food, fast food,bars, supermarkets, snacksso on, B&G mainly produces western kitchen equipments as Ice Cream Display Showcase,Cake Display Showcase,Room Temperature Display cabinet,Vacuum Tumbler,Popcorn Machine, Hamburger Machine,Single Contact Grill,Gas Vertical Broiler,Luxury Counter Top Combination Oven,bain-marie, fish grill, hotdisplay showcase,center island, noodle cooking stoves, waffle maker, crepe maker,electric fryer, friesworkstations, smokeless barbecue ,etc.B&G has advanced technology, new structure, good-quality steel, refined manufacturing,strict quality control. It is also fully equiped,its pricequality are competible, which is fit for competition both at homeabroad. B&G's products have exported to all over the world region.Now,B&G has one senior RD, 3 professional engineers48 staff,we are all looking forward to offering you our services ...

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