


已有 9212 人关注

  与此同时,HEATEC 2022将与雅式集团旗下的两场大型专业展同期同地举办,“供热锅炉”、“食品包装”、“纺织印染”强强联手,相辅相成,届时必将带动大批高质量的工商业终端买家用户莅临现场交流采购。
  As the most recognized influential and professional one-stop heating technology exhibition platform in Asia, HEATEC over the years has been contributing to create a new era of safe, environmentally friendly, efficient and collaborative development of the heating industry. During the kick off year of China’s 14th five-year plan, HEATEC will continue to serve the industry with its professionalism, whilst in line with the market trend, present an international, diversified and professional feast to the industrial and commercial users, hence foster brighter future growth of the heating industry eventually.
  Above all, two large scale industrial trade fairs organized by Adsale Group pertaining to Food and Packaging, Textile and Dyeingwill be held in conjunction with HEATEC 2021. At that time, the 3 interrelated concurrent exhibitions will surely pull in abundant high-quality industrial and commercial endusers and buyers to the fairground.
  l 展场面积 Exhibition Area: 32,000平方米sqm
  l 展商数目 No. of Exhibitors: > 280
  l 观众数目 No. of Visitors: > 14,000
  l 线上直播观众 LIVE Broadcast Views: > 100,000
  2019年参展商统计ExhibitorStatistics of HEATEC 2019
  l 展场面积Exhibition Area28,000平方米 sqm
  l 展商数目No. of Exhibitors
  共计250家参展商,16个国家 / 地区,包括中国、奥地利、加拿大、丹麦、芬兰、法国、德国、中国香港特别行政区、意大利、日本、韩国、荷兰、瑞典、土耳其、英国及美国等。
  250 exhibitors came from 16 countries / regions including China, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong SAR, Italy, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, Sweden, Turkey, UK and USA.
  l 主要参展商Major Exhibitors
  l 观众数目No.of Visitors
  HEATEC 2019吸引了来自阿尔及利亚、澳大利亚、孟加拉国、中国、埃及、法国、德国、中国香港特别行政区、印度、印度尼西亚、伊朗、以色列、意大利、日本、韩国、黎巴嫩、马来西亚、蒙古国、荷兰、朝鲜、巴基斯坦、俄罗斯、沙特阿拉伯、瑞典、叙利亚、中国台湾省、泰国、土耳其、英国、乌克兰及越南等31个国家及地区10,826名中外观众到场参观。HEATEC 2020虽受疫情影响,海外及较远地区观众无法亲临现场,但雅式联合业内*B2B平台“慧聪暖通行业”进行2天8小时现场云直播,全面涵盖国内暖通行业终端用户,线上直播总浏览人数达6.21
  HEATEC 2019 had attracted10,826visitorscoming from 31countries / regions, including Algeria, Australia, Bangladesh, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mongolia, Netherlands, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Syria, Taiwan Province, Thailand, Turkey, UK, Ukraine and Vietnam. Although HEATEC 2020 was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, ONLINE BROADCAST------"HEATEC LIVE", jointly launched by Adsale and China's renowned B2B platform HC360, had reached 62,100 online views.
  l HEATEC 2020观众按行业分类Visitors byBusiness Sectors

  l HEATEC 2020观众按地区分类Visitors by Geographical Area

  l 专业观众及买家覆盖*工商业领域
  ProfessionalVisitors & Buyers Covering 10 Major Industrial and Commercial Sectors
  食品 / 饮料 / 酒类 Food / Beverage / Brewery
  统一 Uni-President / 旺旺集团 Want Want / 太太乐 TotoLe / / 冠生园 Guan Sheng Yuan / 稻香村 Daoxiangcun / 味之素 Ajinomoto / 爱普香料 Apple Flavor and Fragrance / 莫林食品 Molin Food / 味之佳 Weizhijia / 新黄海食品 New Huanghai Food / 味元食品 Weiyuan Food / 长汇食品 Changhui Food / 天奕香料 Tianyi Fragrange Flavour / 农夫山泉 NongFu Spring / 伊利 Yili / 光明乳业 Bright Daily / 味全 Weichuan / 怡宝 Yi Bao / 蒙牛Meng Niu / 青岛啤酒 Tsingtao / 麒麟 Kylin / 金枫酒业 Jinfeng Wine / 大陆酿酒 Mainland Brewing / *酒业 Royal Wine / *酒厂 Shenxian Wine / 百加得 Bacardi / 致富酿酒 Zhifu Wine / 华佗酿酒 Huatuo Wine / 麓卡威酒庄 Luckawi Winery / 巴克斯酒业 Bacchus Liquor
  日化 / 医药 Daily Chemical / Pharmaceutical
  飞利浦 Philips / 养生堂 YST / 狮王 Lion / 狮皇日用化工 Shihuang Daily Chemical / 上海制皂 Shanghai Soap / 国药集团 Sinopharm / 新华医疗 Shinva Medical Instrument / 宝龙药业 BaoLong Pharm / 中医大药业 Shanghai TCMU Pharmacy / 万合制药 Wanhe Pharmaceutical / 凯惠药业 Kaihui Medical / 迈澜医疗 Microlancet Medical / 华新生物 Huaxin Biotechnology / 上药药材 Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine
  化工 / 纺织印染 Chemical / Textile / Printing & Dyeing
  中国石化上海石油化工 Sinopec / 东胜化学 Dongsheng Chemical / 百金化工集团 Baijin Group / 雅运纺织化工 Argus Textile Chemicals / 联胜化工 Liansheng Chemical / 华原化工 Huayuan Chemical / 三佳化工 Sanjia Chemical / 吉尔生化GL Biochem CAS N / 拓普洗衣 Tuopu Laundry / 恒灏印染 Henghao printing and dyeing / 德纳集团 Dena / 金昌工程塑料 Jinchang Engineering Plastics / 海宁纺机厂 Haining  Textile  Machinery
  汽车汽配Automobile&Auto Parts/ 重工机械Heavey machinery
  一汽丰田 Toyota / 大众 Volkswagen / 三菱 Mitsubishi / 双钱轮胎 Double-cion / 佳通轮胎 Giti / 阿雷蒙Araymond / 奥捷汽配 Aojie Auto Parts / 威克迈龙川汽车发动机零件Weikemai Longchuan Automobile Engine Parts / 白象天鹅电池 White Elephant Swan Battery / 宝钢集团 Bao Steel / 博盛钢业 Bosheng / 中华造船厂 China Shipbuilding / 沪东中华造船集团Hudong Zhonghua Shipbuilding Group
  酒店 / 宾馆 Hotels
  衡山集团 Hengshan Group / 香格里拉大酒店 Shangri-la Hotels and Resorts / 锦江国际酒店集团 Jin Jiang International / 上海兴国宾馆 Radisson Plaza Xing Guo Hotel Shanghai / 绿地万豪酒店 Marriott Hotel Riverside / 上海东湖集团 Shanghai Donghu Group / 金水湾大酒店 Golden River-view Hotel / 和平饭店 Peace Hotel / 上海迪士尼乐园酒店Shanghai Disneyland Hotel / 王宝和大酒店 Central Hotel / 上海W酒店 Shanghai W Hotel / 上海瑞金洲际酒店 InterContinental Shanghai Ruijin / 上海艾迪逊酒店 The Shanghai Edtion / 佰仕代酒店 Best Hotel / 青岛汉生酒店 Qingdao Hansheng Hotel
  学校 Schools / 医院 Hospitals
  上海理工大学 University of Shanghai for Science and Technology / 华东理工大学 East China University of Science and Technology / 同济大学 Tongji University / 清华大学 Tsinghua University / 上海交通大学 Shanghai Jiao Tong University / 东华大学Donghua University / 南通大学 Nantong University / 浙江大学 Zhejiang University / 上海华东师范大学 East China Normal University / 西安交通大学 Xi’an Jiaotong University / 上海市医药学校 Shanghai Medical School / 上海新科医院 Xinke Hospital / 上海中山医院 Zhongshan Hospital / 上海华山医院 Huashan Hospital
  热电厂/ 电力公司 Thermal Power Plant / Electric Power Companies
  吴泾电厂 Wujing Power Plant / 青浦申能热电 Qingpu Shenergy Thermal Power / 上电漕泾电厂 Caojing Thermal Power / 上海石化热电厂 Sinopec Shanghai Thermal Power Plant / 华电能源 Huadian Energy / 张江能源 Zhangjiang Energy / 中芬热电厂 Sinofinn Thermal Power / 长兴岛电厂 Changxingdao Power Plant / 石洞口发电厂Shidongkou Power Plant / 金联热电 Jinlian Thermal Power Plant / 上海电力股份 Shanghai Electric Power / 长江热能 Yangtze River Thermal Energy / 光源热电 Guangyuan Thermal Energy / 广达热电 Guangda Thermoelectric / 新港热电 Xingang Thermal Power / 华电戚墅堰热电 CHD Qishuyan Thermal Power / 上海电力股份 Shanghai Electric Power
  工程公司 / 产业园区 Engineering Company / Industry Center
  中国电力建设工程咨询 CPCEC / 中国联合装备集团 CNBM / 中国石油天然气第八建设 CNPC / 中国核工业第五建设 CNNC / 上海公路桥梁集团 SRBG / 上海城投污 Chengtou / 中国建材工程集团 CTIEC / 苏州工业设备安装集团 Suzhou Industrial Equipment Installation Group / 三通锅炉安装 Santong Boiler Installation / 洪瑞锅炉安装 Hongrui Boiler Installation / 鑫盛市政建筑工程 Xinsheng municipal construction / 建安机电工程 Jianan Mechanical and Electrical Engineering / 大同经济技术开发区 Datong Economic and Technology Development Zone / 苏州工业园区 Suzhou Industry Park / 杭州湾经济技术开发区 Hangzhou Bay Economic Development Area / 金山第二工业区 Jinshan Second Industrial Zone / 上海城投 Shanghai Chengtou / 沪锅特种设备工程 Shanghai Boiler special equipment / 东湖物业管理 Donghu Property Management Company / 恒大集团 Evergrande / 中南置地 Zoina
  设计院 / 研究院 Design Institutes / Research Institutes
  济南市特检院SDSEI / 深圳特检院 SISE / 湖南省特检院 HNSEI / 浙江固废装备研究院 Zhejiang Solid Waste Equipment Research Institute / 上海航天技术研究院 SASC / 江苏省特检院 JSSEI / 上海市特检院 SSEI / 上海涂料研究所 Shanghai Research Institute of Paint & Coatings / 上海化工装备研究所 Shanghai Chemical Equipment Research Institute / 上海市塑料研究所 SHPRI / 上海华谊集团技术研究院 Shanghai Huayi Group / 上海市合成树脂研究所 Shanghai Research Institute of Synthetic Resins / 上海桑迪精细化工研究所 Shanghai S&D Chemical Institute / 上海化工研究院SRICI / 中国船舶重工集团第七一一、七〇四研究所 CSSC / 同济大学建筑设计研究院 TJAD / 上海燃气工程设计研究院 / 建科广申建筑设计 Jianke Guangshen Architectural Design / 简禄建筑设计 Jianlu Architectural Design / 煤科院 CCRI
  市政单位 / 服务供应商 Municipal Units / Service Providers
  上海市环保局 Shanghai Environmental Protection Bureau / 上海市经信委Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization / 上海市能效中心 Shanghai Energy Efficiency Center / 浙江省经信委 Economy and Information Technology Department of Zhejiang / 浙江省德清县投促局 Investment Promotion Bureau of Deqing County, Zhejiang Province / 农工商超市 NGS Market / 中国电信 CDMA /  中国联通 China Unicom / 中国农业银行Agricultural Bank of China / 国家电投 SPIC / 上海燃气 Shanghai Gas / 中国燃气 China Gas/ 施耐德电气 Schneider Electric / 上海电气 Shanghai Electric Group / 恒一电气 Lastone / 雷勃电气 Regal Beloit / 大众燃气 Dazhong Gas

  展期三日,主办单位将携手众多*性行业协会,同期举办多场题材广泛的专业论坛及技术研讨会,挖掘行业痛点,解决切实需求,届时业内专家、终端用户、名优企业等相关单位将莅临现场交流分享。此外,HEATEC 2021还将开展形式新颖的线上直播,打破地域空间限制,架起更便捷的沟通桥梁。
  During the 3-days show period, the show organizers and supporters will work jointly in organizing a series of professional forums and technical seminars, mining industry pain points and solve practical needs. Experts, end users and leading enterprises will be gathering together for discussing and exchanging. Above all, HEATEC 2021 will also carry out a new form of ONLINE LIVE BROADCAST, breaking the limitation of regional restrictions and building a more convenient communication bridge.
  中国电器工业协会工业锅炉分会 Industrial Boiler Branch of China Electrical Equipment Industrial Association (CIBB)
  上海工业锅炉研究所有限公司 Shanghai Industrial Boiler Research Institute Co., Ltd. (SIBRI)
  承办单位 Co-organizers:
  雅式展览服务有限公司 Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd.
  雅展展览服务(上海)有限公司 Adsale Exhibition Services (Shanghai) Ltd.
  名誉支持单位  Honorary Sponsors
  China National  Machinery Industry Corporation Ltd.(Sinomach)
  China Electrical Equipment Industry Association (CEEIA)
  支持单位   Supporters
  Shanghai Energy Conservation Association
  The Plastic Trade Association of Shanghai
  Shanghai Drinks Association
  Shanghai Pharmaceutical Profession Association
  Shanghai Energy saving Engineering and Technology Association
  Shanghai Association of Circular Economy - Central Heating Cogeneration Professional Committee
  Shanghai Instrument Industry Association
  Shanghai Chemical Industry Association
  Shanghai Society for Advanced Materials
  Shanghai Electronic Chamber of Commerce (Shanghai Electronics Manufacturers Association)
  Cable-Wire Industries Association of Shanghai (CAS)
  Pharmaceutical Profession Association of Hubei Province
  Jiangxi Food Additives & Ingredients Association
  Zhejiang Laundry Association
  Changzhou Energy Saving & New Technical Association
  Suzhou Food Industries Association杭州市食品工业协会
  Hangzhou Food Industry Association
  Adsale Exhibition Services (Shanghai) Ltd.
  电话Tel: 86-21-51879766 传真Fax: 86-21-64693665 电邮E-mail: heatec@adsale.com.hk
  Shanghai Industrial Boiler Research Institute Co., Ltd. (SIBRI)
  电话Tel: 86-21-34781959*331 / 332 传真Fax: 86-21-54395873 电邮 E-mail: glxh09@163.com








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