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来源:上海保圣实业发展有限公司   2022年08月05日 15:14   4697


我们创造美味,营养,可持续,有利可图和可扩展的品牌和产品 - 任何不可接受的品牌和产品。

Chew's approach to food product development using texture analysis to rapidly test, refine, and iterate the texture of their products. Chew is an innovation lab working to develop more nutritious, sustainable, and enjoyable Texture and technology products. texture analysis instruments help food learns physical characteristics of their products such as crunchiness, crispiness, and hardness.

Chew's team of chefs and scientists can now rapidly develop, test, and reformulate their products using Texture Technologies' tools and expertise to balance their culinary evaluation with scientific data. This approach helps further accelerate time to market, optimize the eating experience of end products, And rapidly meet changing consumer demand.

"At Chew we are constantly striving to create new solutions for the issues that arise in the food industry. To create products that are truly revolutionary, it is important for our team to have first-class equipment," said Adam Melonas, CEO and founder "Through partnering with Texture Technologies, we'll be able to elevate and expedite our work in the lab and continue to strive for a new and improved generation of products in the packaged goods space."

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