

The GA-8 GilSonic UltraSiever

  • 公司名称北京中西泰安技术服务有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       号GSF3-GA-8C
  • 所  在  地北京市
  • 厂商性质经销商
  • 更新时间2019/7/11 11:46:49
  • 访问次数187



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The GA-8 GilSonic UltraSiever™ uses up to seven 8in (203mm) diameter full-height test sieves.
The GA-8 GilSonic UltraSiever 产品信息

The GA-8 GilSonic UltraSiever Model:GSF3-GA-8 Cat.No:
The GA-8 GilSonic UltraSiever

supervac site:zxqc.cn
supervac site:hd315.org
supervac site:midwest.com.cn
™ uses up to seven 8in (203mm) diameter full-height test sieves. Woven wire sieves in the 1/4in to No.635 (6.3mm to 20?m) range or special 8in (203mm) diameter precision sieves with electroformed mesh in the 150?m to 5?m range can be used for ±2?m precision. Sample capacities are more than seven times those of our popular GA-6 AutoSiever™. A sample size of 10g or less is typical for precision electroformed sieving below 20?m. Coarser samples range up to over 100g, depending on mesh sizes and number of sieves used. Particle size range is extended to 1/4in (6.3mm) top-size for many materials. Typical sieving time is 1-5 minutes.

Maximum amplitude is determined in manual mode by viewing action of largest particles in each sample type. Each program has timed segments for build-up to desired maximum amplitude, hold time at maximum, then down-ramp to zero. A 0-99 digital LED displays amplitude. Additional GA-8 controls include switches for seven pairs of horizontal tappers positioned to tap on selected sieves. Switchable vertical tappers operate as one or two pairs. A single pair is sufficient for most powder separations. Two pairs are used for samples containing larger particles. Ten-program memory stores all settings and sequences.

Vertically-hinged acrylic doors enclose the sieve chamber. Sample material is contained by flexible top and bottom diaphragms. The stack is sealed when the upper enclosure is lowered. Upon test completion, fines are recovered from the bottom diaphragm. Acrylic spacers are required when using less than seven sieves or for viewing sieving action.

The GA-8 includes top and bottom sieve stack adapters, four diaphragms for top or bottom use, two acrylic spacers, one double-height acrylic spacer, and twelve polyurethane sieve Seal Gaskets. GAA-5 Assembly for Extra Sieve Stack includes necessary components to assemble a second sieve stack for faster processing. Sieves are ordered separay. Dimensions: 19x19x41in (483x483x1,041mm), DxH. Est. Ship Wt.: 150lb (68kg).




Lab Ovens Model:GSF3-BO-350 Cat.No:
Lab Ovens

supervac site:zxqc.cn
supervac site:hd315.org
supervac site:midwest.com.cn
Lab Ovens with simple design for reliability are offered in both gravity and forced convection models. These ovens feature compact size for efficient operation and smaller footprint, and have 1in (25mm) wall insulation. BO-10R and BO-110 have bimetallic controller; others are hydraulic. Gravity convection models employ a special perforated heat shield to distribute radiant heat evenly. Forced air models maintain uniform temperature accurate to ±1% of full range via a special fan and air transfer plenum. A dual range °F/°C dial thermometer is mounted in the door, and a lighted on/off rocker switch is provided.

Bench Ovens offer quality standard features and a wide range of options at low cost. All models are forced convection with incolloy sheathed heating elements, double-wall steel construction, corrosion resistant interiors, and a baked hammertone exterior finish. Bench models have gasketed double doors with high impact ?cool? handles, and 2in (51mm) of high-density, mineral wool insulation. Two adjustable chrome plated shelves and a grounded 6ft (1.8m) cord with plug are included. Control is by hydraulic thermostat. Control Stability is rated at ±3°C, and ±4°C for BO-550. BO-350 and BO-550 have a high/low heat switch to control heating and recovery rates. Electrical components are 50/60Hz, single phase, and are UL listed and CSA approved. 150Hz BO-250 and BO-350 can be ordered for 230V operation by adding ?F? to the model number. All models can be ordered with optional stainless steel interior by adding ?S? to the model number. Bench Ovens can be stacked or mounted on matching BOA-3 Floor Stand or BOA-2 Floor Cabinet. BOA-5 Timer accessory shuts off oven at up to twelve hours and has continuous ?hold? feature.


北京中 西 远大科技有限公司 
联 系 人:王  工号:8122
Lab Ovens Model:GSF3-BO-350

Lab OvensGSF3-BO-350
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