


  • 公司名称江阴市般匠机械制造有限公司
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  • 所  在  地无锡市
  • 厂商性质其他
  • 更新时间2024/4/14 22:06:34
  • 访问次数57



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江阴市般匠机械制造有限公司位于风景秀丽的江南水乡——江阴市,水陆交通极为便利(紧邻沪宁高速公路、新长铁路、江阴长江大桥、锡澄高速公路),具有得天独厚的地理优势 。
班匠公司是国内主要生产制药、干燥、化工、橡胶粉碎设备的生产厂家,具有雄厚的技术力量,丰富的生产经验 , 精良的机械设备和生产工艺。
主要产品:脉冲除尘粉碎机、槽型混合机,螺带式混合机、湿法制粒机、干法制粒机、旋转制粒机、摇摆颗粒机、筛分机、真空上料机等,专业生产医药、化工系列机械已有多年历史 ,形成了集设计、开发、生产、销售、服务一系列的现代化企业。企业拥有一批高素质的技术人员,产品质量达到国内水平,并能定制各类非标产品,产品国内外。
螺杆挤出造粒机 产品信息

本机是一种将潮湿粉体混合料,在制粒机左右挤压螺杆的挤压下,轴向通过筛网挤出合格颗粒的一种专用设备。 该专用设备主要适用于医药,化工,食品,等行业中制造各种规格的颗粒,颗粒可以定长(选配切断装置),成品经干燥后可制成各种制品。例:食品用鸡精,各种冲剂,化工制品等。
 This machine is a kind of special equipment that extrudes qualified particles through the screen in the axial direction of the wet powder mixture under the extrusion of the left and right extrusion screws of the granulator. This special equipment is mainly suitable for the manufacture of various specifications of particles in the pharmaceutical, chemical, food, and other industries. The particles can be fixed in length (optional cutting device), and the finished product can be made into various products after being dried. Example: Chicken Essence for Food, Various Granules, Chemical Products, etc.
二、设备工作原理(How the equipment works):
The power of the motor is decelerated and transmitted to the main gear box by the V-belt wheel. The power is distributed by the transmission parts inside the gear box and transmitted to the left and right screws of each pelletizing. The raw materials are added from the feeding port. The granulation template is forced to press the material with a certain amount of mixing effect. After the material is squeezed into the cavity of the main extruder, it is forced to be extruded out through the special-shaped blade of the main blade, and squeezed into the gap between the blade and the granulation template. Inside, the material is extruded and discharged from the 
granulation template, (then the material is cut by the cutting blade of the external granulation template evenly to a fixed length) to make qualified finished products.
三、机器特点(Machine characteristics):
螺杆挤出造粒机分单螺杆和双螺杆型,挤出形式有前出料和侧出料两种。经混合、捏和的湿物料或低软化点(一般指小于50℃)物料在螺杆输送、挤压作用下,从机头开孔模板挤出,再经过干燥或冷却颗粒成品,从而实现将粉状产品改变为均匀的颗粒产品的目的。颗粒形状为圆柱状,成品颗粒直径可由摸板开孔孔径调节和控制Screw extruder granulator is divided into single screw type and twin screw type. The extrusion type has two types: front discharge and side discharge. The mixed and kneaded wet materials or materials with low softening point (generally less than 50°C) are conveyed and extruded by the screw from the die plate of the die, and then the finished product is dried or cooled to realize the powder The purpose of changing the shape product into a uniform granular product. The particle shape is cylindrical, and the diameter of the finished particle can be adjusted and controlled by the hole diameter of the die plate.
前出料特点:本机适用于流动性较好,无热敏性物料制粒。颗粒紧密,产量较高,制品颗粒较大,可增配水冷系统及切粒系统。Front discharge characteristics: This machine is suitable for granulating materials with good fluidity and no heat sensitivity. The particles are compact, the output is high, and the product particles are larger, and the water cooling system and the pelletizing system can be added.
侧出料特点:本机针对前出料机型无法制粒的特定情况,可选用侧出料机型,与前出料机型相比制品颗粒较小,产能较高。Side-discharge characteristics: This machine can choose the side-discharge model for the specific situation where the front-discharge model cannot pelletize. Compared with the front-discharge model, the product has smaller particles and higher production capacity.


型号 JZL-50 JZL-80 JZL-100 JZL-120 JZL-140 JZL-180 JZL-200
制粒螺杆直径 Φ50*2 φ78*2 φ100*2 φ120*2 φ138*2 φ180*2 Φ200*2
机制孔板直径 φ1~8 φ1~8 φ1~8 φ1~8 φ2~8 φ2~20 φ2~20
电机功率 2.2KW 4KW 5.5 KW 7.5 KW 11-15KW 22-30 KW 30 KW
主轴转速 80r/min 80r/min 80r/min 70r/min 60 r/min 60r/min 55r/min
生产能力 10-80kg/h 30~180 kg/h 30~300 kg/h 30~450 kg/h 150-500kg/h 500~1200 kg/h 200-2500kg/h
外形尺寸 820*440*720 1200*600*1000 1400*650*1200 1500*650*1250 2000*750*1150 2440*1450*1200 2450*1650*1200
重量 170kg 450 kg 650 kg 780 kg 1100kg 2000kg 1750kg


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