

F值杀菌锅 杀菌釜

  • 公司名称诸城市五洲机械科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       号PLJ.PLZ
  • 所  在  地潍坊市
  • 厂商性质生产厂家
  • 更新时间2021/6/9 10:49:39
  • 访问次数1275


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诸城市五洲机械科技有限公司(简称五洲机械),是国内外食品加工机械领域中研发生产企业之一,近年来取得了多项企业诚信认证。我们公司生产的杀菌设备、清洗设备、油炸设备、厨房设备、果蔬清洗深加工设备、烘干设备、卤制设备、解冻设备、油脂加工设备、无害化处理设备等设备应用于多种行业,为广大使用客户的生产效率做出了显著的提升。面对行业发展趋势,五洲机械继续以深度切合行业需求为目标、着手行业内外的广泛合作、以此来提升产品的科技含量。为了增强企业的竞争力,公司基于机械产业的特点和发展需求,将产业高科技化和*化和*产业化作为经营目标,来明确技术和产品发展方向。通过采用新技术、新工艺、新材料,着力提升产品的科技含量、附加值、竞争优势、是企业在新一轮竞争中有望抢占先机,才能赢得市场主动权。公司主导“雄心造物 匠心筑梦”的信念,做好企业。鸡脚趾甲机器,鸡爪拔指甲机器,凤爪去趾机,鸡爪剪指甲机,凤爪剪指甲机器设备,凤爪剪指甲机,去掉鸡爪指甲机器,剪鸡爪去骨机切鸭脖机,鸭脖切断机,鸡爪切块机/切鸡脚机器,凤爪分切机

Zhucheng Wuzhou Machinery Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Wuzhou machinery) is one of the R & D and production enterprises in the field of food processing machinery at home and abroad. In recent years, it has obtained a number of enterprise integrity certification. Our company's sterilization equipment, cleaning equipment, frying equipment, kitchen equipment, fruit and vegetable cleaning and deep processing equipment, drying equipment, brine equipment, defrosting equipment, oil processing equipment, harmless treatment equipment and other equipment are used in a variety of industries, which has made a significant improvement for the production efficiency of our customers. In the face of the industry development trend, Wuzhou machinery continues to meet the needs of the industry in depth as the goal, to start a wide range of cooperation within and outside the industry, in order to enhance the scientific and technological content of products. In order to enhance the competitiveness of the enterprise, based on the characteristics and development needs of the machinery industry, the company takes industrial high-tech and high-tech and high-tech industrialization as its business objectives to clarify the development direction of technology and products. Through the adoption of new technologies, new processes and new materials, efforts should be made to enhance the scientific and technological content, added value and competitive advantage of products. Only when enterprises are expected to seize the opportunity in the new round of competition can they win the market initiative. The company leads the faith of "ambition to create things, ingenuity to build dreams" to do a good job in the enterprise. Chicken toenail machine, chicken claw nail pulling machine, chicken claw toe removing machine, chicken claw nail shearing machine, chicken claw nail shearing machine, chicken claw nail removing machine, chicken claw bone removing machine, duck neck cutting machine, duck neck cutting machine, chicken claw cutting machine / chicken foot cutting machine, chicken claw splitting machine

杀菌锅 夹层锅 真空包装机www.sd-168.cn杀菌釜杀菌锅(釜)、夹层锅、全自动喷淋式杀菌
Introduction of F value autoclave
一、主要介绍Brief Introduction
F值杀菌锅 杀菌釜 产品信息


Introduction of F value autoclave
一、     主要介绍Brief Introduction
For the control mode of traditional autoclave, it achieves a sterilizing effect by changing the time and temperature of sterilization, but in period of raising temperature, the sterilizing effect (F value) would be affected by the unsteady heat source and the size of food which could lead to multiform sterilizing effects.
F value autoclave controls the sterilizing effects by F value preset so as to make the sterilizing effects visible and controllable without affected by the raising temperature and size of food, and ensure the sterilizing effects of each batch are uniform so that realize the “commercial sterilization ” for food industry. It is a vitally important innovation for canned food industry
二、主要优点Main features
     可依据食品风味要求,任意调整杀菌温度、自动计算杀菌时间, 从而使杀菌效果不变。
     b: 随时观察锅内热分布情况
Temperature and time of sterilization is adjustable according to the requirement of the different food so that maintain the same sterilizing effects and standardize the sterilizing process.
Four pieces of detecting probe are equipped with the autoclave, operators can monitor the F value of the food center and exam the heat distribution inside the autoclave, get the time when temperature reach the center of food from its surface at any time(heat penetration
1、         测量食品中心温度一个测量食品中心温度的画面,表示可测量f0值及温度
1、Detecting the temperature of the food center
2、Detecting heat distribution inside
3detecting heat penetration
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