


  • 公司名称周口贝豪包装机械有限公司
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  • 更新时间2024/1/26 22:43:20
  • 访问次数107



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周口贝豪机械有限公司是周口新兴的一家现代食品机械企业。是河南机械协会认可的一家现代化企业,是国内生产系列杀菌设备的龙头骨干。拥有“食品杀菌系列产品全国一”的辉煌业绩,公司产品安全、使用、价廉、物美,国内三十个省市区,并出口俄罗斯、韩国、越南、马来西亚、东南亚、中东、非洲等国家和地区。成为我国机械行业领域和国内同行业的之一。 我公司总结了同行业优良历史和宝贵经验。引进和注入了现代的企业管理机制和日益进步发展的科技成果。重塑 了 "用户至上"和"一‘’的诚信为本的经营理念。与时俱进的强化了自身的基础元素。一如既往的竭诚为国内为外新老客户提供"安全、实用、经济、优质”的食品杀菌设备和全过程的星级服务。 我公司位于豫东明珠一一周口市莲花大道西段,与拥有5000年悠久历史的华夏人文祖先伏義氏之陵相邻,和中华道教文化始祖老子故里为伴,距义薄云天的国家重点文物关帝庙仅数步之湿。 周口市西邻京港澳高速、高铁.东接大广高速,宁洛高速穿域南而过,商周高速绕城北而成北环.周口火车站火车可直达北、上、广、津、俞,及各省省会,物流网贯通欧亚,交通运输极为方便。 物华天宝,人杰地灵;泱泱大国、繁在中原。热切地欢迎新老客户同行仁人,创业志士,来周口观光,到我公司指导、回顾。 Zhoukou Beihao Machinery Co., Ltd. is a modem food machinery company of Zhoukou Xinxing. Henan Machinery Association is recognized by a modem enterprise, is the production of a series of sterilization equipment backbone. With the brilliant performance of "the first sales volume of focxi sterilization products in the country", the products of this factory are safe, practical, cost-effective, Wumart" and sell well in 30 provinces and cities, and exported to Russia, Canada, South Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Southeast Asia, Middle East, Africa and other countries and regions. China's machinery industry to become the field, the domestic industry one of the leaders. I summed up the company with the industry's good history and valuable experience. Introduced and injected into the modem enterprise management mechanism and increasingly progressive development of scientific and technological achievements. Remolded the "customer first' and "Quality First" integrity-based business philosophy. With the times to strengthen their own basic elements. As always, dedicated to the new and old customers at home and abroad to provide "safe, practical, economic, high-quality' food sterilization equipment and the whole process of star service. Our company is located in the West section of the Lotus Avenue in the Pearl River City of Zhoukou City in the east of Henan Province, ft is adjacent to the mausoleum of Fu Xi, the ancestor of Chinese culture with a long history of 5,000 years, and the ancestral home of Lao Tzu, the ancestor of Chinese Taoism culture. It is only a few steps away from the "Temple of Guan di, the national key cultural relic of Once Upon a Time in America. Zhoukou is acijacent to the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macau Expressway in the West East Daguang Expressway Ningluo expressway through the south and ovei; Shang and Zhou high-speed around the north and into the North Ring. Zhoukou Railway Station trains can reach north, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin, YU, and provincial capitals, logistics network throughout Europe and Asia, transportation is extremely convenient There are many treasures in the world. There is a great country in Central Plain. Warmly welcome new and old customers colleagues, entrepreneurs, to Zhoukou sightseeing, to my company guidance, review。 我公司的主要产品有: 1、各种熟制肉类产品的生产线,并能提供工艺制作经验。 2、各种水果类、豆类、奶类、饮料类产品的生产设备及现场工艺指导。 3、全自动、半自动GT7C5系列卧式杀菌锅,GT7C3系列立式杀菌锅。 4、EGT6JCM列燃油、蒸汽加热、电加热、燃气加热,可倾式、立式、搅拌式、夹层锅。 5、适用于常压灭菌的连续式预煮灭菌设备。 6、喝与各类杀菌设备配套的筐笼车箱。 The main products of our company are: 1、 A variety of cooked meat products production lines, and can provide process production experience. 2、 Production Equipment and site process guidance for all kinds of fruit, beans, milk and beverage products. 3、Fully automatic, semi-automatic GT7C5 series horizontal sterilizing pot, GT7C3 series vertical sterilizing pot. 4、EJ GT6JC series fuel oil, steam heating, electric heating, gas heating, tilting, vertical, stirring, Sandwich Pot. 5、Continuous pre-cooking sterilizing equipment suitable for atmospheric pressure sterilization. 6、 Basket Basket car box matched with various sterilizing equipment.
电汽两用杀菌锅汽源可由电或蒸汽来供给,杀菌前可预先设定到所需要温度和压力,通过电接点压 力表进行自动控压,通过温控仪控制杀菌温度,低于一定温度时可自动加温,从而确保
电汽两用双层杀菌锅 产品信息

电汽两用杀菌锅汽源可由电或蒸汽来供给,杀菌前可预先设定到所需要温度和压力,通过电接点压 力表进行自动控压,通过温控仪控制杀菌温度,低于一定温度时可自动加温,从而确保了在杀菌时 温度的准确性。用蒸汽时可通过锅炉蒸汽直接进行升温杀菌。
Electric and steam sterilization kettle steam source can be supplied by electricity or steam.Before sterilization can be predetermined to require temperature and pressure,The automatic voltage control is performed through the contact pressure gauge.Control the sterilization temperature through the thermostat.lt can be automatically heated when It rs below a certain temperature.This ensures the accuracy of temperature during sterilization.Steam can be heated directly by boiler steam sterilization.

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